Saturday, October 14, 2017

Stone floor quality pavement Raiders

First, the preparatory work before construction
1.1 site preparation
more at:jiahengstone
Before the construction of stone products, the construction of primary concrete should be completed and reach a certain strength. Should be coordinated before the start of indoor construction, outdoor construction units do a good job site transfer work for the timely start to create conditions.
Construction site control network measurement, according to the original coordinates of the site reference point and elevation, in accordance with the requirements of the design drawings, measured the main control axis, measured by the axis of stone paving line.
Organization of construction machinery and equipment approach, according to the construction machinery demand plan, according to the provisions of the location and manner, and should be the appropriate maintenance and commissioning and so on.
Organization of building materials approach, according to the requirements of the design drawings from the stone manufacturers into the processing of the production, according to the scene of the construction site of the material approach, according to the provisions of the location and manner of storage or storage.
1.2 technical preparation
Familiar with and review the construction drawings, and the regional pavement layout plans to deepen, and actively with the design, supervision, the owners to communicate, consultation. The preparation of the implementation of the construction program, and technical personnel to the construction workers. Construction site personnel at all levels must seriously study the construction program and construction specifications and other technical documents to reduce and avoid construction errors. Do a good job with the outdoor surface related to the link, to determine the connection with the professional closure of the measures.

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