Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Black granite related knowledge

India produced some famous black granite stone, such as Black Sands. Black Sands produced in Angola India. It is a high purity black background, even dotted with bright crystals. Black Sands mineral storage is not, so its production can not meet demand. Those golden highlights its own because of its rich in ferrous compounds. Black Sands according to the size of its gold is generally divided into three types: big flowers, the flowers and fine flowers.
India in the late 1860s began to export high-grade black granite, to the late 1970s, in some monumental buildings, the Indian black granite has been widely used, but also a sharp increase in exports of the big board. Best quality, reasonably priced black granite produced in southern India. However, some of these granite is very delicate, such as Kanman black, in some projects use protective measures to be taken care of, even kitchen countertops will be scratched or worn.
And basalt is different, many of these black granite structure containing crystal grain size of the visible. Precisely for this reason that their color does not seem so deep black basalt. Some buyers prefer this quality granite because of its appearance looks more natural than black basalt. Conservation of black basalt stone looks like being processed through artificial materials. But the choice of which Stone is right buyers. In the past 30 years, these Indian-black granite black granite than in other regions are more widely used in some buildings monumental. Their own quality and durability are the best proof.

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