Friday, October 2, 2015

Construction method stone surface brightener

stone for building surface brightener construction methods:
Surface treatment: construction of the stone surface must be clean and free of stagnant water, no stone protector, no oil and other attachments, otherwise the effect will be less than ideal.
stone factory Drying: can be applied to wet stone surface is dry, but the surface should be dried as much as possible in order to achieve the best results.
Specific process: plastic watering can or oil brush brightener applied to the stone surface, wait about 10 minutes after the wash with water; Repeat If you want to use a dry cloth to wipe better after.
Late maintenance and graced: washed with water and wipe the surface with a dry cloth remnants, painted on curing agent can achieve the effect of increasing the brightness.
Stone surface brightener Construction Notes:
1, please bring the construction of rubber gloves and masks, splashed on him and pharmaceutical skin should rinse with water as soon as possible.
2, must be in a well-ventilated place construction, do not bother to smell the mist rising gas nose, otherwise it will damage the body.
Using the above curing agent for the stone, allowing the stone bright as new. But in everyday life, we should pay attention to the conservation of the stone, the stone using a more long-term. Often wipe to keep the surface clean and regularly stone conservation, stone surface always maintain Woon as new. Try to avoid direct contact with chemicals acids stone surface, so as not to cause a chemical reaction.

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