Monday, October 5, 2015

Some tips granite stone in building construction

Among the building materials, natural stone is to use a wider range, high frequency of use, easier to reflect a material effect in the landscape. Natural stone is an ancient building materials, high strength, decorative, high durability, wide variety of sources and so on. Granite texture hard, wear resistance, weather resistance and high durability, good acid, but not fire-resistant. The useful life of up to several hundreds or even thousands of years, many of the world's historic old buildings are built of granite. Granite stone widely used in construction, then what granite stone in the construction of the main points and the recommendations it?
1. granite applications in environmental art installation mainly wet, should focus on improving the construction process and technical level of construction personnel, management personnel and construction personnel strict technical tests and construction skills training. A large area of ​​the project, when the choice has tended to advance to experiment to see which of the effects and the goodness of fit, and then carrying out a large-scale paving.
2. squares, roads should not be using a light panel. Some squares and roads paving a smooth stone, mainly on account of smooth stone inconvenience to pedestrians in the rain. A large area should be laid on the use of singeing surface stone, or only partial lines, ribbons using glossy, most of the area still use singeing surface.
3. Park in the pavement should be nature-based, minimize the use of artificial polish. Stone is a non-renewable resources, the use made of gravel pavement, while maintaining its natural stupid appearance, while at the same saving stone, full use of waste scrap.
The granite used on the steps, usually with 2 cm thick plate, but through years of stampede, bump seriously damaged edges shaped like fangs. Therefore 2cm thick plate used as a step is not appropriate, at least should be greater than 3 cm thick. In addition, the outer edge of the stone steps of 90 degrees can not be made, and should be made of curved or chamfered to increase the impact resistance.

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