Monday, September 21, 2015

Analytical storage specification decorative stone

1, stone packaging. Stone plate packaging should be determined according to factors specific quantity and transportation conditions. Packing into nothing more than wooden packaging, rope packaging. For long-distance transport, and more generally use this method. The plate is relatively smooth. Order stand up to moisture-proof paper-lined box. Wooden shall not be used substandard material. Each box should be set up at both ends Tieyao hoop, set the iron rungs plus corners. Straw package has two cases. One is the relatively smooth plate with a diameter of not less than l0mm the rope along the long, winding width direction order. Do not make the product exposed, and firmly tied.
Another package is relatively smooth plate with a diameter of not less than 10mm rope by "well" -shaped tying, tying each point of not less than three. After the plate package, due plate number or name, size and quantity and other signs. Supporting engineering materials should be by drawing numbers on each sheet. There must be "up," "moisture", "Handle with Care," the signs outside the box and packing rope, its symbols and use shall comply GBl91-73 "packaging and storing signs" requirement.
2, transport decorative stone panels. Transportation and handling must comply with the following provisions: (1) handling with care, non-throwing roll, must the back of the upright edges laying the ground first; (2) a single block of stone plate area of ​​more than 0.25m2 time, all upright handling. When handling large products with lifting gear, its force must pad edges; (3) wooden packaging products, with lifting equipment when handling, lifting each with a box appropriate. When the rope packaged product handling, can not pull rope; and (4) shall be stored stacked loading requirements, transportation for a smooth, non-collision.
3, storage of stone plates. Stone plate should be stored in indoor, outdoor storage must be covered. When the plates stacked upright, should smooth relative, its inclination should not exceed 15 °, the stack height to 1.6m appropriate, must be non-polluting resilient material support pad between the bottom surface and layers. Can not be stacked upright, should relatively smooth, the ground should be smooth and firm, inter-layer support pad points should be in the same vertical line, pile high with 1m appropriate. Packaged products, stacking height to 2m appropriate.
Decorative stone more stringent requirements for packaging technology, packaging inappropriate. Light damage caused by angular, severe may break. Transport custody wrong. Increase the amount of waste and defective goods. Therefore, we should pay attention to everyday storage.

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