Friday, September 11, 2015

Common stone disease

1, Bai Hua. On the surface of the landscaping stone, a kind of influence on the beautiful white, gray, black, black mist like substance. White China this stone disease often exists in the stone of the stone green. Some Chinese white cloth can be easily erased, some white Hua very stubborn, must be re polishing.
2, yin and Yang face. A watermark (water mark printed), which is produced by the water intrusion and moisture.
3, stone tile surface yellowing or produce a yellow. This stone disease prevalent in white stone (such as the United States white linen, dahuabai, snow white), has been treating the surface of stone material problem.
4, stone is contaminated with oil or other dirt (such as Coffee juice, soy sauce, juice, tea, chewing gum).
5, the color of the cement or adhesive from the back of the stone plate to the front of the board so that the stone to change the original color.
6, mildew.
7, stone surface moss. Be installed in the damp stone several years later will produce moss on the stone surface.
8, the atmosphere in the acid rain corrosion and change the original natural beauty of stone.

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