Thursday, September 3, 2015

How to identify excessive marble

Teach you to identify marble

     1, to be used with caution red, brown series of granite, marble, if used, installed paved area better not more than 40 square meters.

     2, try not to buy "mobile stall" in marble, because many of the marble is stained, paint health and safety problems.

     3, at the site selected, then there is sharp eyes, ears, drops of ink three methods.

     Grossly: Stone uniform fine material structure has a delicate texture, the share of Stone; stone ranging from coarse grain structure and its appearance is poor.

     Ears: good quality stone percussion sound clear and melodious; if the stone house there is a slight crack or indirectly due to weathering cause thixotropic loose particles, then knocking gruff.

     Drops of ink: In the back of the stone on a particle of ink droplets, such as ink quickly disperse leaching, which indicate the presence of stone inside the particles loose or poor gap, stone quality; if the ink droplets are fixed in place, then good stone texture.

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