Saturday, September 12, 2015

Mining knowledge

1, generally have a certain scale of stone deposit, geological exploration is needed; is smaller deposits to geological survey and geological survey, to obtain the necessary geological information.
2, the mining unit must be familiar with, study the geological data, select the appropriate mining method. Is the design of the mine area, also should be familiar with the geological data, in order to better grasp the correct use of the design of the mining method.
3, the mining unit is equipped with a good knowledge of the geological professional and technical personnel, the popularization of geological knowledge in the mining workers.
4, stone deposit scale larger generally necessary for trial mining, because the production work is to understand and confirm the geological conditions of stone deposit in the process. At the same time, it is found that the necessary tools to deposit geology condition change.
5, in the process of mining, adhere to do a good job in geological work, and timely detection of geological conditions, so as to adjust the mining process.

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